Under the auspices of the BC Ministry of Environment (BCE) Municipal Wastewater Regulation, Environmental Impact Studies (EIS) are required for effluent discharges greater than 22.7 cu m/day. Kala typically breaks the site assessments into two phases for cost and time effectiveness.
Phase 1 includes site reconnaissance, shallow intrusive investigation, and analysis to provide broad scale site assessment services in regards to the desired discharge.
Phase 1 is followed by Phase 2, a more detailed deeper groundwater assessment and provision of soils design criteria.
Kala has conducted over 100 EIS programs in British Columbia. Whether traditional drainfields, rapid infiltration basins, woodland or forage field spray irrigation, Kala has investigated all manners of discharge in accordance with published provincial compliance criteria. Kala works with various civil consultants to provide cost effective technical assistance in the safe and sustainable discharge of effluent.